Sunday, February 1, 2009


In this video Obama talks about many of his roles as president, including Commander in Cheif, Cheif Executive and Cheif Legislature. And about how people related to the Steelers endorsed him and that's why he was rooting for them. It was cool how he seemed like a real person but still actually talked about his plans in Iraq and Afghanistan (getting many troops out within a year) and working on the economic stimulus plan to cut earmarks and find a common ground between Democrats and Republicans so both can agree on the passage of the bill. He was acting like an anthropologist when he had a meeting soley with the Republican representatives to see what they thought about the bill - he isn't trying to change everything under their noses without their consent which in the end will work out much better than if he had. Which is pretty cool. Also he was being honest when he said it would take several months at least to get the economy out of the slump it's in so people can't expect everything to be fixed right away.

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